Qube Day
In a day at the Qube "
Apply Modern Teaching Methods
- Experiential Project-based learning, Replacing theoretical learning of core beliefs
- Giving learners confidence in their own thought processes and experiences
- Indirect activity-based methods to teach deep Islamic concepts
Balance Quality vs. Quantity of Information
- Internalising core Islamic beliefs through hands on experiences
- Interactive tasks and activities instead of mono-toned approach
- Allowing learners to experiment with multiple ways of achieving an outcome
Appreciate Differentiation and Individuality
- Aiding further development of identity through differentiated activities
- Encouraging self-acceptance, self confidence, and growth mind-set
- Giving the children room to be creative and provide their own input
Aim for Positive Emotional Attachment to Religion
- Research and practice supports that, emotional attachment can motivate practice, replacing force/fear
- Opportunities for emotional attachment towards religious characters, events and topics
Believe in Social Binding
- Teamwork and sports activities with friends to support identity building